Laura Ioricci Is a phenomenum here in Atlanta GA. For this occasion she took her years of experiance creating spectacular floral arrangements at The Cathedral of St Philip in Buckhead.She then described the need to create a step by step guide to help other florists trying to do similar arrangements in their own church homes. She worked diligantly with Tessa Marie to come up with amazing images. That captured the feel and look she was inteeresting in creating. The book finally is published and available on Amazon now!!
To celebrate Laura held a book signing at the Cathedral. I was in line for sure!!! The area was full of floral displays, by Laura!
Food by Zest who beleive in abundance in display and in their food. It was delicious and of course displayed with my plates the display was over the top fab! Linens by our friend Tamara from IDoLinens and images by Tessa Marie
- Love the architecture of teh Cathedral of St Philip
- further away the linen is perfect
- closeup of our gold stunning plates
- each bloom carefully placed
- From above super stunning
- Love this special green plate
- full blossoms
- ooh banana pudding shooters
- Virginia from Faith Flowers created her own display with her fabulous outfit
- clean plates mean delicious food
- Laura straining her wrist to the max!